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Training For Two People
Called to a Village

How We Engage

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Team Development

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:


3LS will help team members learn how to both work and serve together by ensuring that each team member is aware of their roles and at time fluid responsibilities. 



How We



We always seek the Lord Jesus Christ's perfect will for who we work with.  We continuously ensure that if He has called us to a person, a group, a nation, we have peace knowing that everyone involved is pleasing Him and Him alone.  We are always praying for our potential clients.  


We pray accordingly for your assignment(s) as well as for the individuals you serve and we ensure that we include your immediate family in our prayers.


1 Thessalonians 5:17

How We



We know that as we are lead by the Holy Spirit, we have a part to play.  We do all that we have to in order to prepare to travel as well as ensure we understand both the physical and spiritual environments in which we will engage.  May it be our families, community, or job responsibilities, we make sure everything is taken care of before each assignment.


We can help you get all the questions you have answered to make sure that you are prepared for your mission. 


Luke 14:28

How We



We are often invited by a local church member, pastor, or organization to speak on various topics.  We always make it a point to go into a city or nation understanding that God has His people serving their people and we are bringing only what the Lord has put in us for a community to thrive. These include His Word, financial and/or educational support, and most importantly, love.


We can help you connect with organizations that share the same assignment / call in various countries.


Ephesians 4:11-12

How We Go


Walking, driving, boats, planes, trains, horses, jeepneys, and tuk-tuks, we have used various modes of transportation to get to where God has wanted us to go in order to help those in need.  This includes reaching those in remote areas who are hiding due to being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.


We can help you map out the best and safest route for you to travel.


Mark 16:15-16

How Lives Are Changed


Lives are changed when a person can look into the eyes of their wife, husband, child, friend, and the mirror knowing that they have hope and joy found in Jesus Christ.


We can sow money, knowledge, resources, and a host of other basic needs to those who are in need. But eternity is right next to each of us and we will all spend eternity some where. 


3LS Global hope is to ensure that everyone makes a decision to live eternally for and with Jesus Christ. 


John 17:3



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